Monday, October 23, 2017


Apt. 15A Sayre Court, Madison, New Jersey.

I have lived at this address for about 25 years, first going back and forth between my mother and father and finally permanently with my father.

In 2 days, I will no longer be living there. Me and my father will be moving to another place in Madison. The place, to be honest, is nicer. It is bigger, so there will be more room for two grown men.

But will it be home? We will see. I am excited and nervous. I have never been one to fully embrace change on the outset of it. But you get used to it. I don't know how long it will take me to get used to this new place. But I hope it will be relatively quick. 

I apologize for the lack of blog posts but as you can guess, I have been pretty busy.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Why I Hate Politics

So I wake up this morning to the worst mass shooting in US History. A man opens fire on a concert below like its target practice. Sickening, indeed. But that is not what I want to talk about. Instead, what I want to talk about is the reaction to said shooting and why it illustrates why I hate politics.

So there are people on Twitter arguing this morning whether the government should call this quote "an act of terrorism". The same thing happened in the Obama administration when the nightclub shooting happened. My response to this and I'm sorry for swearing:


The bottom line is that it happened and it has to be dealt with REGARDLESS of what it's called. I could care less what it's labeled as. And it illustrates why I hate politics in general. Politics to me is a bunch of people arguing over mostly trivial things, like wording and language, as opposed to more broader issues. The minutia of what is discussed in Congress is probably the reason why so little actually gets done, in my opinion. It is ridiculous at times. And it has showed its head today, when the larger issue of gun control (there's another thing, the NRA greasing the palms) should be discussed with compromise and with full attention, instead of worrying about language.

It's nonsense. And that is a reason why I hate politics. And I hate that over the last two years it has become the main topic that it has. Especially in the hands of some people who just spout. The Eckes family discusses politics a lot but we do it deftly and listen to each other. That's not what you get on Twitter. Which raises the ridiculousness factor beyond the boundaries of sense.

And speaking of sense, another story came out earlier this week which pissed me off.

This librarian who rejected the Dr. Seuss books because of them being "racist" should be let go because she lacks common sense. Talk about putting a big massive target on yourself and libraries in general by doing something so STUPID. If there was any logic behind it, then it may have some merit, but not letting in Dr. Seuss books? Ridiculous. And people wonder why people actually voted for Donald Trump. Partly because actions like this make no common sense.

Here's Bill Maher's rant on Democratic PC and how it led to President Trump. Try to have a good day.