Monday, June 15, 2020

Random Thoughts #2 or #3 or ...

I haven't typed in my blog for awhile, so I decided to put up some random thoughts:

1. One thing that I feel I am safe in saying during this social "upheaval" for lack of a better word, is that police training procedures NEED to be updated. In all of these police brutality situations, a common thread I see is a lack of tact when it comes to reacting to situations. The George Floyd murder is a clear example of this; as well as the incidents in Buffalo and Atlanta. I'm worried that just out and out disbanding police forces will lead to more anarchy so I don't agree to do that. However, something has to be done about this. And psychological training about how to handle situations as well as better and stricter psychological screening of applicants is needed.

2. It's very interesting that spikes of COVID-19 are going up at alarming rates all over the country while in New York and New Jersey, the spike has not really occurred. Hmmmmmmmm….. maybe the rest of the country should have taken this more seriously like we did in the tri-state area?  (sarcasm totally intended).

3. I have used this quote before and I actually discovered it watching a Bill Bixby-hosted special on whether Elvis was dead or alive or not from the late 1980s. It is from the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald and it perfectly shows where this country is not doing well IMO.

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

4. Just a self indulging note here. Bill Cullen is considered by many aficionados to the be the standard of game show emceeing. Here he is in an interview in 1979 with GMA talking about what he fears about game shows of the time and what he sees of game shows in the future. Very prophetic I believe.