Monday, August 7, 2017

James Earl Jones would be appalled!

So, I was at the gym today, walking on the treadmill and looking at the TVs. CNN was on. This is a network that at one point a long time ago, had a ton of gravitas. James Earl Jones did those magnificent bumpers and Larry King and others would cover news with class and decorum

Safe to say that it has gone downward for them in recent years in the decorum department, and two things that I saw today on that channel prove that. Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with political views of mine. These are general issues.

1. They had a person talking about a documentary premiering that night called "Why Trump Won" Do we really need a documentary on an election that not only was covered ad nauseum, but will probably have a motion picture made out of it within the next 8 years? Why should we care why Trump won? (unless illegal). This to me is just a waste of time that could be better dedicated to other more worthy causes and information.

2. I am not kidding you right now. This was the header for one of the stories talked about:


Yes. This is what CNN is reporting on now. The leader of Russia going on a fishing trip and not wearing his shirt. Wow. What breathtaking material. I know a 24-7 news cycles leaves networks like CNN scrambling to fill time, but come on, guys. You can do better than that.

And they had a video clip (which incidentally taught me that some of Siberia is actually green and not an ice prison as was thought before)

Shame on you CNN. James Earl Jones hangs his head in disgrace. I will leave my final impression to Bert.

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1 comment:

  1. To be fair it would probably be international news if trump was golfing shirtless
