Friday, February 2, 2018

The New York Jets: A Nowhere Franchise

Look, this is going to be just short and to the point. The Jets are a franchise that is nothing. Their carbon footprint is zero. They really have no strong base of fandom. They are caught in between Giants fans and Eagles fans in terms of territory. They don't have their own stadium. Their media reporters are hacks. They are laughed at nationally, even if sometimes they don't deserve it. Their fans are battered to the point of not ever being happy or wanting to be happy.

Seriously go to this link:

You will find a lot of people reveling in misery and being angry when somebody dares to be positive.

Their owner is a silver spooner who is in London and knows next to little about football. Their head coach is a moron (JMHO).

They are the Chicago Cubs but worse because nobody thinks they are loveable. And liking this team sometimes makes me want to go mad. Not suicidal but it makes me think about what I am worth. I know that's the wrong way to think about it, but it happens. I can't lie to you or myself.

LIke the Beatles said, I might be a nowhere man sitting in his nowhere land rooting for his nowhere franchise.

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